Monday 18 April 2016

how to add summary column in oracle reports

Summary Column:
Summary columns are used for calculating summary information like sum, average etc,. on specific columns of a data group.  This column uses a set of predefined oracle aggregate functions. Summary columns are generally preceded by CS_ to distinguish them from other columns.

Ø Specific properties:
          - Function
          - Source
          - Reset At
          - Compute At
Ø Datatype depends on Source datatype.

Let us make sum of total salary

In the Data Model view that displays, click the summary column tool in the tool palette then click in an open area of the Data Model view to display the summary column as shown below

Double click on summary column you can find the properties and give below details as below
                    Name     : CS_SUM_SAL
                    Function : sum
                    Source    : sal  

Go to Layout Model add Text and field in main frame level as shown below

Select F_7 field and right click go to Property Inspector set below properties as shown below

            Name  :SUM_OF_SAL
            Source :CS_SUM_SAL

Now development part completed you can run the report

Goto >Programs > Run paper Layout (you can find as below report output)

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